
Enjoy the results of synergy and multidimentionality at work and in life
Workshops & collaboration

We provide the missing piece of the puzzle

Our recipe for starting projects, structuring discussions and committing to a plan of action to get meaningful work done might sound like a small thing? It is not!


We master the art of facilitation.Both as a soft and hard skill. We can apply this in any company. We create and run workshops. Getting people to collaborate in a way that doesn’t make everyone want to kill each other. Workshops will become your company’s superpower. Your new edge and ability to play your part in turning away from the old and broken “busywork-fueled” mess that many call work today. Ready to start making real change happen ?


Our effect & output

Synergy = the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

Farming with Climate Rooms and Plantainers

At the forefront of sustainable farming solutions, we are proud to introduce our cutting-edge climate rooms and plantainers. Designed and assembled with precision, these innovative structures empower urban and local farmers to cultivate super greens and vegetables year-round, revolutionizing the way we think about food production.

Our technology, crafted with care and expertise at our hub in Norway, embodies our commitment to health, sustainability, and positive impact. By providing farmers with the tools to grow fresh produce regardless of season or location, we are not only transforming urban landscapes but also nourishing communities and promoting a healthier future for all.

Join us in our mission to harness the power of innovation for the betterment of food and people. Together, let’s cultivate a greener, healthier world, one harvest at a time.


At our facility, we’re dedicated to crafting plantainers and climate rooms equipped with everything urban farms need to thrive. From cultivating micro greens to harvesting vegetables, our innovative structures ensure year-round production. Join us in revolutionizing urban agriculture and sustaining green businesses worldwide

What we do

We guide and co-create ideas, solutions and directions for companies, leaders and joint ventures


Infused with this
co-creator manifest

If you are judging your creation, find the love for what you have created. Step
back, let go for a while (hours, days, weeks), then ask yourself to re-look with
fresh eyes and heart. See what you created without ‘working’ on it. Ask others for
their opinion if that helps you to see it a different way.
Work on liberating the inner critic – are you constantly unhappy or critical with
what you create?
Invite yourself to investigate and shift that pattern, for a pattern is all it is.

As the creator, it’s none of your business what others think of it, for that is for
them to know and is entirely influenced by their own perspective. If you are
afraid of the judgment of others, ask yourself what someone could say that would
most trigger you and then work with that in advance. Your worst fear is inside
you, and the external trigger of another’s opinion is just that.
So see where the current fear or historic wounding lies in you.

Recognize that you will GROW and CHANGE with all you create, and so some
labor pains, challenges and/or joys may all be part of the process. Be willing to
walk into the unknown as a creator, just as a mother creating a child has to
surrender to the change she will experience through motherhood. You may
experience great releases and/or growth from the process – unconscious fears of
which often stop a creator from beginning in the first place.

Recognize that ‘visions’ and ‘instincts’ are starting points that will evolve and
grow as you manifest them in the physical. They will evolve as you start to create
them in form – be in flow with that, rather than in resistance to it. Don’t hold onto
“Well, the vision said it should be this way”. You ARE the vision, so move with it
and recognize it will move as you create.

Notice your pattern – are you a creative starter, but not a finisher? Or the other
way around? Try walking yourself through your perceived weaker area, as a
repatterning can take place if you notice and attend to it. It may involve shifting
some patterned emotion too. Be not afraid of the release that comes up – creating
is a full body/senses experience.

Do you believe you can’t be inspired but can organize the inspirations of others?
Or the other way around?
If you are at peace with that, wonderful, BUT, if a part of you doesn’t feel satisfied
or is frustrated with that, trust that something intuitive inside you wants to walk
the other way. There may be some opposing beliefs or emotions to this, so explore
and begin it, one step at a time.

If you are a technical genius but not as creative as your friends, team up with
them to form a great creative team. Teamwork is often vital for maximum
expression and creativity. Working with those who are great at what they do just
strengthens what you are all able to create. Don’t believe you ‘can’t’ build your
architect’s house because you don’t know how to build. Trust that a builder who
wants to work with an architect will love the missing piece you will play to them,
just as they to you.

Don’t be afraid of success, whatever that word means to YOU. The fear of success
is often stronger than fear of failure in people, for attracting the emotions and
reactions of others to your success may be undesirable to you.
Whereas the idea of ‘failure’ is a very personal thing.
And of course, these two words are all just perspective anyway :slightly_smiling_face:

Pioneers don’t realize they are pioneering. They simply do what they do, allow it
through them and follow what feels right to them, and from that point create
pioneering energies and acts on our planets.

Just as a baby arrives when it is the right time, creative projects designed to be
seen or involved with others, have a timing that is as much dependent on the
world’s readiness for them as your ability to create to a timescale. For example, if
you are creating a community project you want to be ready in 6 months, if it takes
12 that is because the vibration of your intent was creating space in the world for
the project. And those the project was designed for needed some extra months to
be ready to receive it. Just as much as you may have needed a little more time to
be ready to release it into the world. For releasing it will change you also.

The simple is as big as the grand. Supporting a child to feel more confident with a
chosen sentence is as powerful as writing a book that influences millions. It is all
the same energy of creation. Come to know and accept that and your feeling will
grow with WHATEVER you are doing.

Don’t buy into the thought ‘somebody already did that’ or ‘why should I bother’.
Those are ‘stopping’ thoughts that don’t actually know what you might do if you
‘bothered’. For example, car engineers don’t kick themselves that they aren’t
inventing the car. They simply look to re-invent it in their slant.
That is what we are all doing. And that is enough.
All that matters is what you feel to do. Again, don’t worry what others will think.
Do it anyway if only to see what happens if you do.


Social Action
& Connection

As we slowly, but in time start to realize that we as humans been totally conditioned to not connect empathically and emotionally to the people around us and the world we support social action and connection to raise this human potential.


Alignment, connection and inclusion are themes on our agenda now more than ever. That is why we arrange workshops, retreats and intensives together with people and organizations that is heart-centered and inspiring. Offering insight, light and wisdom. We believe exchange of joy and connection within deep relationships are an essential part of healing, balance and joy finding your real strengths on your self growth journey.


Our building blocks


To experience wonder is our birthright - especially in times of challenge and change.


Past, present and future. We work with different timelines as souls on earth.


What will you create next ? This may be a thing, and experience, a product or service.


When we create a idea, product, a service or a company it is like having a newborn baby.

Support Humanity
raising by learning & exploring

OmniBase  was created with the idea that it would give you the opportunity to reflect on where you have been and allow you to take an inner journey as to where you might like to go next. Our main focus is health, sustainability and consciousness as a Group, as a Team, and as Individuals.


Where can you invest in yourself?

Synergica: Pioneering Future Farming Today

The art of innovation

Woke your full inner potential as a
wholehearted sales warrior

Journey with us?

Please fill out the form, so we can learn more about you and your needs.